Welcome to our group home page! It’s all about interfaces for us!
We are a physical/analytical chemistry group with strong emphasis on the development of novel methods towards understanding the uniqueness and complexity of the Nanoworld. We utilize cutting-edge Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) based techniques to study physical and chemical properties at the nanoscale. Our work is strongly interdisciplinary and collaborative in nature with researchers from other fields of science and engineering.

Our present efforts lie in the following three major research themes:
Nanoscience/Materials Science with the focus on size-dependent electrical, mechanical, and (photo)-reactivity studies that encompass organic and inorganic nano- and macro-dimensional solids with unique properties
Atmospheric/Environmental Chemistry with the focus on the development and application of AFM based methods toward direct measurements of individual submicrometer organic/inorganic aerosol properties that include humidity-dependent 3D morphology, water uptake, and surface tension
- Biochemistry/Biophysics with the focus on the development of novel molecular recognition force-based methods to study unbinding interactions between various proteins (e.g. enzymes) and ligands (e.g. drugs, inhibitors) on a single molecule level
Atmospheric/Environmental Chemistry work in our lab is funded by National Science Foundation through center for aerosol impacts on chemistry of the environment (CAICE)

We invite you to explore our site, learn about our exciting research, and join us to discover fascinating chemistry unique to the Nanoworld!
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